Rexia.PL > Poradniki

Elfbot HUD

(1/4) > >>

Cześć, postanowiłem się podzielić z Wami moim HUD'em.
Parę osób może go kojarzyć z Hud'em Xidrona, lecz został całkowicie zmieniony.
Wygląda on tak:

Takie rzeczy jak: Stamina, Ping, Exp/h oraz Wbity level są "żywe" tzn. ich kolor zmienia się zależnie od wartości.
W razie jakichkolwiek problemów/chęci zmiany pisać w grze: Sung


--- Kod: ---//////HEADER
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +365] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +375] | setcolor 0 255 0 | displaytext '$name'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1890] [$screentop +375] | setcolor 0 255 0 | displaytext "Level:"
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1926] [$screentop +375] | setcolor 255 0 0 | displaytext "$level K"
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +385] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'


auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft-1820] [$screentop +396] | displaytext 'MAIN INFO'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +405] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +445] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft - 1755] [$screentop +455] | displaytext '========================'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755 [$screentop +465] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft - 1755] [$screentop +465] | displaytext 'Stamina:'
auto 1000 setcolor 250 0 0  | setpos [$screenleft - 1807] [$screentop +5555] | displaytext "$formattime.$stamina
auto 200 setpos [$screenleft-1807] [$screentop +465] | if [$stamina <= 60*40] { setcolor 0 244 0 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*39 && <= 60*15] { setcolor 255 128 0 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +0%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*14] { setcolor 255 0 0 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*2] { setcolor 120 0 0 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -100%' }
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft - 1755] [$screentop +475] | displaytext 'Czas IRL: '
auto 1000 setcolor 255 255 0 | setpos [$screenleft - 1810] [$screentop +475] |displaytext '$systime'
auto 200 setpos [$screenleft-1785] [$screentop +495] | if [$ping <= 300] { setcolor 0 244 0 | displaytext '$ping' } | if [$ping >= 301 && <= 800] { setcolor 255 128 0 | displaytext '$ping' } | if [$ping >= 801] { setcolor 255 0 0 | displaytext '$ping' }
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +495 | displaytext 'Ping:
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +485] | displaytext "Sesja:"
auto 1000 setcolor 255 255 0 | setpos [$screenleft-1792] [$screentop +485] | displaytext "$formattime.$deltatime"

auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +505] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'
auto 1000 setcolor 0 244 0 | setpos [$screenleft-1820] [$screentop +515] | displaytext 'Game Info'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +525] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +535] | displaytext 'Wbity Level: '
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft - 1826] [$screentop +535]  |if [$wbexp <= 499] { setcolor 0 244 0 | displaytext '$wbexp' | set $wbexp [$exp-$startexp } | if [$wbexp >= 500 && <= 1499] { setcolor 255 128 0  | displaytext '$wbexp' | set $wbexp [$exp-$startexp] } | if [$wbexp >= 1500] { setcolor 255 0 0 | displaytext '$wbexp' | set $wbexp [$exp-$startexp]
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +545] | displaytext 'EXP/H:' 
auto 1000 setcolor 0 244 0 | setpos [$screenleft-1795] [$screentop +545] | if [$exph <= 500] { setcolor 0 244 0 | displaytext '$formatnum.$exph' } | if [$exph >= 501 && <= 1000] { setcolor 255 128 0 | displaytext '$formatnum.$exph' } | if [$exph >= 1001] { setcolor 255 0 0 | displaytext '$formatnum.$exph' }
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +565] | displaytext "Potworow na ekranie:
auto 1000 setcolor  0 244 0 | setpos [$screenleft-1884] [$screentop +565] | displaytext '$monstersaround.20'
auto 200 dontlist | if [$token.'$curmsg.content'.2 == 'deal'] {wait 500 | if [$token.'$curmsg.content'.3 >= $besthit && $token.'$curmsg.content'.2 == 'deal' ] set $besthit [$token.'$curmsg.content'.3]
auto 1000 setcolor 199 199 199 | setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +555] | displaytext 'Best HIT:'
auto 1000 setcolor 0 244 0 | setpos [$screenleft-1810] [$screentop +555] | displaytext '$besthit'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +575] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'

auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1790] [$screentop +415] | setcolor 0 244 0 | displaytext 'Cavebot & Targeting'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop +425] | setcolor 199 199 199 | displaytext '========================'         
auto 500 dontlist | setpos [$screenleft-1865] [$screentop-445] | if [$targetingon] {setcolor 0 255 0 | displaytext 'Targeting ON'} else {setcolor 255 0 0 | displaytext 'Targeting OFF}
auto 500 dontlist | setpos [$screenleft-1755] [$screentop-445] | if [$waypointson] {setcolor 0 255 0 | displaytext 'Cavebot ON'} else {setcolor 255 0 0 | displaytext 'Cavebot OFF}

auto 5000 dontlist | setcaption '$name'

auto 100 listas 'MSG Box'| listboxsetup 1 [$screenleft+6] [$screenbottom-2] 6 4500000 'up' | if $curmsg.isprivate { ifnot $curmsg.isbotlook { listboxaddline 1 $setcolor 237 242 '$systime [$curmsg.sender]: [$curmsg.content]' }}

--- Koniec kodu ---
A do ICONS wklejamy to

--- Kod: ---[Icons]
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Small
LeftCommand: set $startexp $exp

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1630
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 518
Text: [Reset]
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 0
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 0
TextColor: 0
HoverColor: 0

Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Small
LeftCommand: if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage 'Paused' | settargeting off | setcavebot off | stopattack} else {statusmessage 'Resumed' | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}
RightCommand: if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage 'Paused' | settargeting off | setcavebot off | stopattack} else {statusmessage 'Resumed' | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1554
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 418
Text: [GO]
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1558
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 418
Text: [STOP]
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 4259584

--- Koniec kodu ---



--- Kod: ---/////TimeINFO
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -5] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+110] [$screentop -16] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext 'Time INFO'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -25] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop - 36 ]  | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Czas IRL: '
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+55] [$screentop - 36 ]  | setcolor 0 255 255 |  |displaytext '$systime'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+183] [$screentop - 36 ]  | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext "Sesja:"
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+222] [$screentop - 36 ]  | setcolor 0 255 255  | displaytext "$formattime.$deltatime"
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop - 47 ]  | setcolor 150 199 199 ] | displaytext '=================================='

auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+110] [$screentop -58] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext 'Main INFO'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -68] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -79] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Nick: '
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+30] [$screentop -79] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$name'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+218] [$screentop -79] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Ping: '
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+248] [$screentop -79] | if [$ping <= 300] { setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$ping' } | if [$ping >= 301 && <= 800] { setcolor 0 225 255 | displaytext '$ping' } | if [$ping >= 801] { setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext '$ping' }
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -89] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+110] [$screentop -99] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext 'Character'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -109] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -120] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Level: '
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -131] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Stamina: '
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+52] [$screentop -131] | if [$stamina <= 60*42] { setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*40 && <= 60*15] { setcolor 0 225 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +0%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*14] { setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*2] { setcolor 0 175 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -100%' }
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+36] [$screentop -120] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$level'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+199] [$screentop -131] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Exp/H: '
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+240] [$screentop -131] | if [$exph <= 500] { setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$formatnum.$exph' } | if [$exph >= 501 && <= 1000] { setcolor 0 225 255 | displaytext '$formatnum.$exph' } | if [$exph >= 1001] { setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext '$formatnum.$exph' }
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+240] [$screentop -120]  |if [$wbexp <= 499] { setcolor 0 255 255  | displaytext '$formatnum.$wbexp' | set $wbexp [$exp-$startexp } | if [$wbexp >= 500 && <= 1499] { setcolor  0 225 255  | displaytext '$formatnum.$wbexp' | set $wbexp [$exp-$startexp] } | if [$wbexp >= 1500] { setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext '$formatnum.$wbexp' | set $wbexp [$exp-$startexp]
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -140] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+110] [$screentop -150] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext 'Bot INFO'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop -160] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 500 dontlist | setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop-170] | if [$targetingon] {setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext 'Targeting [ON]'} else {setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext 'Targeting [OFF]}
auto 500 dontlist | setpos [$screenleft=+200] [$screentop-170] | if [$waypointson] {setcolor 0 255 255| displaytext 'Cavebot [ON]'} else {setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext 'Cavebot [OFF]}
auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0] [$screentop - 179 ]  | setcolor 150 199 199 ] | displaytext '=================================='


auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+0] [$screentop -5] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+110] [$screentop -16] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext 'Fight INFO'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+0] [$screentop -25] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+107] [$screentop -35] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext 'Na ekranie:'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+0] [$screentop -45] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Potworów:'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+63] [$screentop -45] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$monstersaround.20'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+215] [$screentop -45] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Graczy:'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+260] [$screentop -45] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$playersaround.20'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+0] [$screentop -55] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Przyjaciól:'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+63] [$screentop -55] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$friendcount.20.'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+210] [$screentop -55] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Wrogów:'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+260] [$screentop -55] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$enemycount.20'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+0] [$screentop -65] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='
auto 200 dontlist | if [$token.'$curmsg.content'.2 == 'deal'] {wait 500 | if [$token.'$curmsg.content'.3 >= $besthit && $token.'$curmsg.content'.2 == 'deal' ] set $besthit [$token.'$curmsg.content'.3]
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+90] [$screentop -75] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext 'Best HIT:'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+147] [$screentop -75] | setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$besthit'
auto 1000 setpos [$screenright+0] [$screentop -84] | setcolor 150 199 199 | displaytext '=================================='

statusmessage "HUD by Sung"
printf :
auto 5000 dontlist | setcaption '$name'
--- Koniec kodu ---


--- Kod: ---[Icons]
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Small
LeftCommand: if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage 'Paused' | settargeting off | setcavebot off | stopattack} else {statusmessage 'Resumed' | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}
RightCommand: if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage 'Paused' | settargeting off | setcavebot off | stopattack} else {statusmessage 'Resumed' | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 109
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 143
Text: [ON/OFF]
TextColor: 13092758
HoverColor: 13092763

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 109
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 143
Text: [ON/OFF]
TextColor: 13092763
HoverColor: 13092763

Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Small
LeftCommand: set $startexp $exp

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Left
PositionX: -104
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 92
Text: Wbity Level:
TextColor: 13092758
HoverColor: 13092758

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 0 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Left
PositionX: -104
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 92
Text: Wbity Level:
TextColor: 13092758
HoverColor: 13092758

--- Koniec kodu ---

Numero Uno:
Jest błąd ' auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+52] [$screentop -131] | if [$stamina <= 60*40] { setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*39 && <= 60*15] { setcolor 0 225 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +0%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*14] { setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*2] {setcolor 0 175 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -100%' }".

Ten wers nie działa.



--- Cytat: Numero Uno w 25 Październik 2018, 00:47:35 ---Jest błąd ' auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+52] [$screentop -131] | if [$stamina <= 60*40] { setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*39 && <= 60*15] { setcolor 0 225 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +0%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*14] { setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*2] {setcolor 0 175 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -100%' }".

Ten wers nie działa.


--- Koniec cytatu ---
Poprawione, dziękuje.

--- Kod: ---auto 1000 setpos [$screenleft=0+52] [$screentop -131] | if [$stamina <= 60*42] { setcolor 0 255 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*40 && <= 60*15] { setcolor 0 225 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina +0%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*14] { setcolor 0 200 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -20%' } | if [$stamina <= 60*2] { setcolor 0 175 255 | displaytext '$formattime.$stamina -100%' }
--- Koniec kodu ---

H4wki the skrypter:
H3h3 nie żeby coś ale pierwszy porządny HUD z elfa to ja udostępniłem na a pózniej na vestii ^^ tak samo jak inne skrypty


[0] Indeks wiadomości

[#] Następna strona

There was an error while thanking
Idź do wersji pełnej