Tak dla informacji zeby wymaxowac te itemki spalilem nastepujace itemy
4 Armory (+21,+27,+29+26)
4 Tarcze(+25,+28+23+22)
3 Helmy (+26+22+28)
5 par butow (+29,+24,+28,+23+29)
1 kusze (+20)
176x Upgrade +15
93x Upgrade+25
64x Upgrade +30
Nie wiem czy to duzo czy malo sami stwierdzcie ;3
Lost Pall Arm +300 (Bonus z zaczarowania na max 3% DMG)
>19:07 18:18 You see a Lost Paladin Armor (Arm:87251, protection all +16%). It can only be wielded properly by shinobis of level 400000 or higher. It weighs 53.50 oz. Wartosci: armor ulepszony o 300 procent
Lost Helmet +300 (Bonus z zaczarowania na max 3% DMG)
19:14 You see a Lost Helmet (Arm:174546, protection all +6%). It can only be wielded properly by shinobis and hell slayers of level 650000 or higher of reborn 1 or higher. It weighs 9.00 oz. Wartosci: armor ulepszony o 300 procent
Lost Crossbow +300 (Bonus z zaczarowania na max 3% DMG)
19:10 You see a Lost Crossbow (Atk:872507).
It can only be wielded properly by shinobis of level 620000 or higher.
It weighs 12.00 oz.
Wartosci: attack ulepszony o 300 procent
Lost Shield +300 (Bonus z zaczarowania na max 3% DMG)
19:07 You see a Lost Shield (Def:872507, protection all +10%).
It can only be wielded properly by shinobis and hell slayers of level 600000 or higher.
It weighs 1000.00 oz.
Wartosci: deff ulepszony o 300 procent
Lost Boots +300 (Bonus z zaczarowania na max 3% DMG)
-19:09 You see a Lost Boots (Arm:174546, protection all +9%).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 650000 or higher.
It weighs 750.00 oz.
Wartosci: armor ulepszony o 300 procent
Cena za zestaw to:
400,000 PP (400k) albo 200 Elite Point
Masz inna oferte Pisz priv ;3